アホカド (Crazy about avocados)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Will the second avocado plant make it?

It's been almost a year since the last time I wrote about the avocado trees. They are growing well, but no serious updates about their growth.

As usual, they are getting bigger but at a slow pace. The oldest avocado has rebounded and is very healthy. The middle avocado plant is very ill. It doesn't seem to be taking this cold weather very well, and its leaves have dried up considerably. The third avocado is doing fine, though I am concerned about leaving the small offshoot at its base. I may cut it soon to let the nutrients go to the main plant.

Here are the latest pictures from this afternoon.

This is the oldest avocado. As you can see, it has grown in height significantly and its leaf production is very good.

This is the second avocado. The leaves are all droopy and some are dried out. Most worrisome of all is the lack of new leaf production in the crown.

The third avocado is doing great. You can see the offshoot trunk at the bottom of the plant. For the sake of the whole tree, I am thinking of removing this offshoot.

The plants have a thick layer of insulating soil on top and are well guarded from direct rain and snow. However, since they are outside, the cold is still affecting them. We'll have to see how the second plant does this season. If it makes it, I may prune it way back and try to get it to restart at a smaller height.



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